Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 5 Shutdown Power Off

Today was a good day! I am anxious to start working on my story line. I learned a lot of good things today. I am looking forward to working on this through this next year. I just hope I don't forget everything I have learned this week.
Thanks for all the help!!!!!

Day 5 Afternoon

Who supports and who benefits from your participation in this project?

Obviously we are getting great support from NCSU. Everyone here has been extremely helpful. We are also getting support from the central office and schools. I think many people will benefit. First, I am! I am learning a lot about video games. Other teachers across the state will also benefit when our games are complete. Most importantly our students will benefit by having a new fun and interesting way to learn, practice and review material.

What other technology do you wish you could use or have support for?
I want a Smartboard! Hopefully I will get one this year. I don't know how to use it, but I have watched others. So if I get one, I will be asking for a lot of help.

Day 5 Morning

How do you see this game as a tool for connecting with your students?

First, they are going to think that their teacher is the coolest ever because she was able to create such a great game! I hope my students are going to see that I care enough to create something different and to try new things. I hope using the game will help me start conversations and connect with some of my "reluctant learners".

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 4 Shutdown Power Off

I am tired! Today seemed like a long day. I have a better understanding of codes. I was actually able to solve one of my own problems in a string of codes that I made. I much more comfortable downloading, exporting and using sounds.
I understand now why this is a 2 year project. I spent an hour on a building and stairs only to find when it was done that I didn't like it! I think it is going to be very important to do a lot of planning before starting my game.

Day 4 Afternoon

What interested you in video games as a form of teaching?

We are always being told to use technology in our classroom but I don't like most of what is available to me. Most kids, especially boys, like to play video games. I thought that by creating games specific to my subject I could reach some students who usually don't show a lot of interest in math. Kids are going to play video questions that might as well be playing games that they can learn from.

Day 4 Morning

What do you do well when connecting to your students? Do you have any concerns about connecting with your students?

I try to make sure that my students know that I care about them and what they are doing. I also try to be genuine with my students. They know if you are faking it! I try to take an interest in what they are doing. I will go to watch them play. If I see their name or picture in the paper I will cut the article out and give it to them. If I know they played well in a game or performed well in a play I will compliment them on it. Little things like that seem to make a big impression on them.
My biggest concern is that I don't want to cross the teacher-student line. I want them to be comfortable with me, but I am still the teacher and they are still the student. That respect level still needs to be there on both sides.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Day 3 Shutdown Power Off

Today was a lot of fun! Learning how to put in sounds was easy. Sounds will make the game more interesting for the kids. Learning how to make a quiz was also very helpful. This will help me as I am trying to form a story line. A feature that would really help would be an "Undo" button to help correct all my mistakes and accidents! I feel much more confident about the program now after just 3 days! I can't believe the difference from Monday. I am really looking forward to starting my game.